by editor | 21 Oct 2019 | AACSGaM, Event
Lovely earth protectors, MUSICIANS RISING is a platform for music artists to contribute to the national efforts to defend the Galilee Basin. Participating musicians will converge at Binbee in Central Queensland from October 24th-27th to show support for Frontline...
by editor | 11 Oct 2019 | Event, Habitat |
The next meeting of the Wildlife Habitat Group of SLA will be held on Saturday 12 October at 2pm at Angophora Bushland Reserve (entrance in Burgess St, opp. Stace Street, South Hill Armidale) Hopefully the temperature will only be in the high teens but hats and water...
by editor | 11 Oct 2019 | SLAM |
Community organisation New England Rail Trail Inc. (NERTinc) was established to develop the New England Rail Trail and have launched a Crowdfunding Campaign to develop a business plan at Their dream is to use the long abandoned Old Great Northern Rail...
by editor | 11 Oct 2019 | Event
Building Australia’s response to the climate emergency. Applications Now Open | New Feature Climate Program Australia is beginning to declare a Climate Emergency and now it’s time to shape and define the emergency response we want to see. The movement to...
by editor | 10 Oct 2019 | AACSGaM, Stop Adani
The Pilliga / Leard Tag-along tour is a not for profit tour. It is an activist tour aiming to educate and highlight the dire impacts of coal seam gas and coal mining in our country. It is tour that contrasts the beauty of the Pilliga with the visable impacts of mining...
by editor | 10 Oct 2019 | Climate
According to the 2013 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming caused by increasing atmospheric greenhouse gasses poses a serious threat to global food and regional water supplies and biodiversity, and threatens the life support systems of hundreds...
by Tom Fisher | 30 Sep 2019 | AACSGaM, Boomerang Bags, Climate, Energy, Event, Habitat, Monthly Forum, SLAM, Stop Adani, Transport |
Join young Australian singing sensation & climate activist MONTAIGNE with a panel of local young people to discuss YOUTH FUTURES in the AGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Panel presentations, open Q & A session and the launch of the Sustainable Living Armidale Youth Action...
by Tom Fisher | 18 Sep 2019 | AACSGaM, Climate, Energy, Event, SLAM, Stop Adani, Transport
Friday 20 September, 9am-11am Central Park, Armidale Join millions of people around the world walking out of their workplaces and homes to join young people striking from school and university to DEMAND TRUE ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE That is, DEMAND AN END TO THE AGE...
by Tom Fisher | 28 Aug 2019 | AACSGaM, Climate, Event, UNE
What if men and women led our world in equal measure? Would our world and the decisions we make on behalf of future generations be different? This was the question that led to the launch of Homeward Bound, a ground-breaking global leadership initiative for...
by Tom Fisher | 8 Aug 2019 | Climate, Event, SLAM
Climate Action Armidale present this special fundraiser screening of 2040 Monday 12th August 6:00pm at Belgrave Cinema, 145 Dumaresq St, Armidale. Tickets: $21 + $2 booking fee – buy below Please be sure to arrive early as the film will start at 6:00pm sharp!...
by editor | 8 Aug 2019 | SLAM
Here’s a great opportunity for serious activists and campaigners. SLA is considering full financial support for a successful local applicant. The Community Organising Fellowship is an exciting initiative that equips community leaders and non-government organisations’...
by editor | 7 Aug 2019 | Event, SLAM
The Armidale Regional Council has organised a series of tours of several of their facilities. From Tuesday 13 August until Saturday 17 August free tours will be conducted at the Armidale, Armidale Wastewater Treatment Plant, Armidale Waste Management Facility, Water...
by Elizabeth O'hara | 26 Jul 2019 | Habitat, SLAM
23 football fields of koala habitat in NSW are bulldozed EVERY SINGLE DAY! Koalas are in major trouble in NSW, but we have an opportunity to help them. A NSW parliamentary inquiry is investigating the true picture of koala numbers and their habitat loss. Inquiries...
by editor | 25 Jul 2019 | AACSGaM, Event, Monthly Forum, SLAM, Starfish
Kent House (Faulkner Street opposite Central Park) WATER, the facts Presentation, Questions, Brainstorming MAYOR SIMON MURRAY Armidale Regional Council will discuss and answer questions about supply, usage, restrictions, prediction on length of supply, possible...
by Tom Fisher | 23 Jul 2019 | AACSGaM, Climate, Event, SLAM, Stop Adani, UNE
Monday 29 July, 12 – 1pm, Paul Barratt Lecture Theatre, Psychology Building, University of New England (UNE), Armidale Richard Parncutt presents the seminar “The human cost of climate change: Estimating long-term human mortality”. He will present the...
by editor | 22 Jul 2019 | Event, SLAM, Starfish, ZNET
URALLA SUSTAINABILITY EXPO To support people to take their own actions towards sustainability, Z-NET Uralla is holding a hands-on Sustainability Expo on 3 August 2019, in partnership with Uralla Shire Council, as a Local Government Week event. Working together, there...
by editor | 3 Jul 2019 | Event, Monthly Forum
David Holmgren presented Aussie Street, Town Hall, last Saturday — a fictional account of a typical street in Australia from the 1950s depression to the near future, interestingly another depression of the 2020s. Through David’s permaculture vision for suburbia we...
by editor | 3 Jul 2019 | Event, Meeting Minutes
The AGM will be held before the July forum with office bearers elected and Convenors of Action Groups endorsed. A brief year in review by Action Group convenors and vision for the future year will be presented by the current convenor Mahalath Halperin. The AGM will...
by editor | 3 Jul 2019 | SLAM
Would you like to participate in a University of New England study? Understanding Factors that Influence Sustainable Palm Oil-Related Purchasing Behaviour This research aims to explore what factors might influence people to purchase or not purchase products containing...
by editor | 3 Jul 2019 | SLAM
Transition Streets is a project of the worldwide Transition movement. The idea is to find like-minded others within easy walking distance to start a Transition Streets group. Typically a group will meet monthly to work through the seven chapters of the workbook to...
by editor | 18 Jun 2019 | Event
Aussie St; our shared suburban history and future David Holmgren, permaculture visionary and story teller takes us back through the decades of our lived history in the streets where the quarter acre hosted the Aussie post war dream, through the decades of rising...
by editor | 18 Jun 2019 | Climate, Energy, Waste
Start with behaviour, it’s free. Below are positive things to do. Each saves a tiny bit of electricity but together they add up. Laundry and hot water Do I take short showers, so use less hot water. Do I wash my clothes in cold water? Do I hang my clothes to dry...
by editor | 18 Jun 2019 | Event
6pm Tuesday, 25th June, McCrossin’s Mill, Uralla. Why does our food system leave hundreds of millions of people hungry? How will the world feed itself in the future in the face of major environmental challenges? Will expanding large scale, energy-intensive...
by editor | 18 Jun 2019 | Waste
It’s no secret that we have way too much stuff! This is one reason why people like Marie Kondo have taken center stage, leading people all over the world to look deep into their closet and ask: “Does this spark joy?” But what if there’s a...
by editor | 14 Jun 2019 | Event |
The Climate Council warns that global warming will cause more severe and devastating droughts. This creates problems. Just think of the cost of trucking water to Guyra, which begins on June 11, or the millions it will take to raise the Malpas dam wall. After initial...