NCC Parliamentary trip with New England REZ Rep

We had a great parliamentary trip last week with the delegation from the Hunter and New England Renewable Energy Zones!  We met with: Dr Joe McGirr, Member for Wagga Wagga; Jeremy Buckingham MLC; Brendan Moylan, Member for Northern Tablelands; Sue Higginson MLC;...

Social Developers Network meet with SLA & ZNet

Thanks to everyone who so generously shared your time on Saturday March 15th 9:30am at NERAM. It was Sarah’s meeting but from my point of view it could not have gone better, and I’m sure she agrees — Harry An exerpt from Harry Creamer’s invitation: I am writing...

Video: Renewables done right

Welcome to ‘Renewables done right’, a new series we’ve been working on, where rural and regional Australians share their experiences of living with renewable energy. Last year we conducted some in-depth research into rural and regional attitudes to the...