Armidale Sanctuary and Armidale Rural Australian for Refugees (ARAR)
are having a fundraiser screening of the new Australian documentary “AGAINST OUR OATH”

“Ethical conflicts erupt for doctors as the Australian Government overrides their clinical decisions made for refugee patients. If doctors cannot follow their medical ethics, what will happen to their patients?”

  • Date: Wednesday 4th March
  • Time: 7 pm
  • Place: Belgrave Cinema
  • Tickets: $20 ($15 pensioners and f/t students)

Available from ARAR and Sanctuary members, and (if not sold out) at the door
or contact {mobile prefix oh four}91 021 306

The screening will launch a major fundraiser:
Armidale’s Nauru to Canada Appeal.

After 6 years of suffering, as many as 300 of the refugees forcibly sent to Manus and Nauru are still trying to get to freedom. But finally, there is a way for us to help at least one of them: through Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) Program. ARAR and Armidale Sanctuary are partnering with Ads-up, MOSAIC and other Canadian organisations to enable a Rohingya refugee on Nauru to reunite with his family and settle in Canada. We are raising the funds required by the Canadian government to support a resettlement application for the family: $43,200 CAD (= approx. $51,000 AUD).

More information at the Film Night.