Armidale Community Garden Working Bees

The 24th of March will be our first Working Bee for the year at the Community Garden. Any time from 1pm onwards. Bring your favourite tool. See you there. Terry and Jo Other dates for the year 23rd June, 22nd September and for those keen 22nd December. Amazingly all...

Seed Swap at Armidale Library

Bring along your excess seeds to share and swap them for something you’d like to grow. If you don’t have any seeds to share, come along anyway and for a 50 cent donation take away some seeds of something you’d like to grow. Venue: Community Room (Upstairs) Armidale...

A recipe to repair Australia’s food systems

What and how we eat does more than sustain us; it’s intertwined with our identities, cultures and the health of our planet. We need to get the food system right to nurture all these aspects of our lives. That’s why I’ve taken a deep dive into...

Seed Saving Workshop

10am to 11:30am Saturday 24th February 2024 at Armidale Community Garden Facilitator: Ray South RSVP: Text or call {mobile prefix oh for}78 597 759 Gold coin donation to Armidale Community Garden Vehicle entry off Taylor St southern end Walking access via creek...

Armidale Farmers’ Market

Armidale Farmers’ Market is on 2nd Sunday each month 8:30am–12:30pm at Curtis Park One of the great advantages of Curtis Park is that many people will be able to cycle and walk to the market. We’re always working on new ideas and activities in the pipeline and...