Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.


Wildlife Habitat Group (WHG) was initially formed to preserve wildlife habitat through a focus on iconic species preservation, initially the koala, within the urban and peri-urban areas of Armidale and across the Armidale Regional Council area. Recently our concerns have come to include groundwater management and river-care and nature play.

As pressure increases on native populations through climate change and land-clearing for housing and agriculture, WHG plans to work with relevant bodies to inform and educate about the importance of conserving our native fauna and flora using a range of strategies and to develop productive links with other like-minded groups.

Wildlife Habitat Armidale on facebook


Join WILDLIFE HABITAT mailing list


    ‘Breaches’ profiles illegal forestry operations since Black Summer

    ‘Breaches’ profiles illegal forestry operations since Black Summer

    This book written by Mirriam Pepper and Jason John describes the breaches in NSW State forests, including Styx forest, wild Cattle Creek forest and full article »

    Save Our Styx: Rally for the Forest

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    11am–12noon Sunday 3 November 2024Judith Wright Memorial, Civic Park Armidale

    Our Styx Native Forest is suffering — but we can effect a change by acting full article »