Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.


Gara River, Gara Gorge, The Blue Hole, Armidale, NSW, Australia

Sustainable Water Futures Armidale Region

Seeking water security for people and nature


Inspire our region to live sustainably with water

  • Catalyse the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and ideas (including within governments at all levels) that enable our regional community to live sustainably with water, that is, without jeopardising the capacity of our region’s water systems to meet the needs of people downstream and in the future, and of other species and ecosystems.

Advocate on behalf of water dependent species, ecosystems and processes

  • Advocate for the ecological values and environmental processes that require priority consideration for our region to live sustainably with water.

Promote the crucial importance of water to sustainability challenges

  • Advocate for recognition of the centrality of water to other sustainability challenges facing our region, including climate change, and thus a need for integrated solutions to these challenges.

Collaborate with communities and governments for sustainable solutions

  • Support all levels of government to engage with our community in the thoughtful and collaborative ways needed to creatively explore and work towards sustainable water futures for our region.
  • Work with Armidale Regional Council, NSW and Commonwealth governments and communities to pursue the best practice in water policy, planning and management as needed to live sustainably with water.
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New venue: Armidale Regional Drought Resilience Plan Workshop at the Servies

New venue: Armidale Regional Drought Resilience Plan Workshop at the Servies

[ Tuesday, 10 Sep; 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. ] ///CHANGE OF VENUE FOR ARMIDALE NOW SERVIES//// The purpose of the plan is to consider the opportunities available to mitigate and alleviate the impacts of drought. Workshops will be held in each council area along with popup stalls between 10-13 September 2024. Visit us across centres in Guyra, Armidale, Bundarra, and Uralla. RSVP is not necessary, [...] full article »

August 2024 Pilliga Tag-a-Long Tour

August 2024 Pilliga Tag-a-Long Tour

[ Friday, 9 Aug to Sunday, 11 Aug. ] The next Pilliga Tag-a-Long tour will be Friday 9th August to Sunday 11th August. The tours are not-for profit. No-one working for the tours are paid, but incur costs for their activism. All participants pay their own costs, travel, food and accommodation. The Pilliga Tag-along tour is a not-for-profit tour. It is an activist tour aiming to [...] full article »