Australian Plant Society Armidale and District Group invite you to a free, interesting weekend on 15-16th September

Ben Walcott,  Leader of the Garden Design Study Group for the Australian Plant Society will be talking on “Garden Design with Native Plants”

  • Date: Saturday 15th September
  • Time: 2.00-5.00 pm
  • Venue: Armidale City Bowling Club Auditorium

Afternoon tea provided

RSVP Please by 7th September (see below)

Free Garden Visits

Sunday 16th September 9.00am-5.00pm

Those wishing to join in on Sunday will be given directions and times

for the 4 gardens to be visited, after the talk on Saturday

RSVP by Friday 7th September

to Barbara Nevin—{local landline prefix}5 2128 or Penelope Sinclair