Our goal is to reduce local energy use and move toward 100% renewable energy in New England–wind, solar, micro-hydro…
Our group needs new Energy! Join us and help shape our policies and actions toward cutting energy use and hence greenhouse gas emissions in New England.
In September 2022, we formed an action group called Renewable Energy, Education, Action and Community Health (REEACH). This grew out of the Climate Action group and with a specific focus on engaging with Renewable Energy development on the ground living in the activated New England Renewable Energy Zone (NE REZ)
The objectives of REEACH include renewable energy education, advocacy, community benefit,
community ownership, and community resilience. We are about enabling/promoting good action locally,
facilitating community engagement from ordinary citizens in public policy and with a view that attention to
environmental health in all decision making is the bedrock for achieving community health.
Manilla Solar — Community Engagement Roadshow @ Armidale
[ Sunday, 22 Sep; 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. ] Armidale 4pm, 22 Sept, Kent House find out what is the Manilla Solar Project? The Manilla Solar Project is a community-led 4.5 MW solar project with a battery of 5 to 10 MWh storage, to be located 2 km to the South of the Manilla substation, on the Calokerinos property. It will be hosted on 15 ha of [...] full article »
Manilla Solar — Community Engagement Roadshow @ Guyra
[ Sunday, 22 Sep; 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. ] Guyra 1pm, 22 Sept, Guyra, Neighborhood Centre find out what is the Manilla Solar Project? The Manilla Solar Project is a community-led 4.5 MW solar project with a battery of 5 to 10 MWh storage, to be located 2 km to the South of the Manilla substation, on the Calokerinos property. It will be hosted on 15 ha [...] full article »