Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Save Our Styx: Rally for the Forest

11am–12noon Sunday 3 November 2024
Judith Wright Memorial, Civic Park Armidale

Our Styx Native Forest is suffering — but we can effect a change by acting now!

Our Styx River Native Forest and its inhabitants including the endangered Spotted-tail Quoll, Greater Glider and the Hastings River Mouse have suffered 200 years of logging, the impacts of fires and droughts and poor Government decision making.

The logging of the Styx Native Forest is economically unviable and ecologically untenable. The Bob Brown Foundation Rally for Forests on Sunday will celebrate our forest as part of the frontline defence against the climate crisis, providing landscape stability and resilience and as home and refuge to many plants and animals that are at serious risk of extinction and as essential to clean water, air, soil and our well-being.

On Sunday we will look at what is currently happening in the Styx, the actions of forest protectors/citizen scientists and how we can assist in transitioning from logging of our native forests.

We hope you are able to join us.

More information, Elizabeth {mobile prefix oh four}08 670 684

Photo: Rally Save Our Styx, 13 August 2023

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