Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Urgent Submissions Required To Control Coal Seam Gas And Coal Mining In North West NSW – Submissions Close May 17th 2012


Comment on-  Draft New England North West Strategic Regional Land Use Plan

Your submission needn’t take more than a minute to write, and short comments are fine.

The Draft New England North West Strategic Regional Land Use Plan is on public exhibition (online, click on the link) until Thursday 3 May 2012 and you are invited to make a submission during this time.

Wondering what to write? 

Your submission needn’t take more than a minute to write, and short comments are fine.
Link to draft plan and submissions- 

Here are some points you might like to make:

  • Mining Companies will not be required to comply with the Water Act 1912, Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, Threatened Species Conservation  Act 1995, Forestry Act 1916.
  • Produced water- Mining companies are drilling through of the Great Artesian Basin and extracting highly toxic produced water- A salt like substance containing heavy metals such as cyanide, arsenic chromium and more.  Companies are exempt from Water Act 1912 , and cannot be stopped from polluting, only fined after the pollution has occurred.  This is too late for the Great Artesian Basin, our rivers and land.
  • The Liverpool plains have the most fertile lands in Australia, a very productive farming area. Only 9.5 per cent farming land is protected. The ‘Gateway Process” then allows this to be mined at the will of parliamentarians, over ruling scientists.  The gateway process should be abandoned and a scientific approach adopted.  Australia’s food security is more important than the short term profits from mining (20 -30 years).
  • Recommend that mining should have to comply with the Threatened Species Act.  Without this requirement mining companies have no respect for the natural environment.  Leard State Forest is being cleared for coal mining, including Tier 1 identified areas (highest value environmental areas).  Why identify and area as Tier 1, then mine it? This forest has many endangered species, and is an important site for migratory birds.  This is of no consequence to mining companies self regulation is the only control.  This means no control.

3 comments to Urgent Submissions Required To Control Coal Seam Gas And Coal Mining In North West NSW – Submissions Close May 17th 2012

  • Sam Macdonald

    The Northern Tablelands & NW Slopes, which is prime grazing country, is under threat from Coal Seam Gas. The fracturing itself could pollute the water table, which in turn would affect the cattle, sheep, humans, and natural environment (i.e air, water, land, all under threat).

    University of Massachusetts researchers interviewed 24 US farmers affected by CSG drilling and found the practice was “strongly implicated” in serious health problems in humans and animals. In one case, 17 cows died in one hour from respiratory failure after Coal Seam gas fracking fluids were accidentally released into an adjacent paddock. The study also touched up the effects it had upon the residents with nose bleeds, headaches and rashes.

    As our population increases, we need viable grazing and cropping lands, which in Australia is limited. Why should the government take such a risk with their wealth before health approach upon the environment. Once the damage is done from CSG, it will be irreversible.

  • Kym Kilpatrick

    I wish to express my strong opposition to Coal Seam Gas Mining and Coal Mining in north West NSW. This is some of the most fertile country in Australia and needs to be preserved and protected on that alone.

    In my opinion ALL Coal Seam Gas Mining should be halted until the evidence is clear that there is no threat to humans, animals, the local environment and most importantly the water table on which we are so very dependent on this the second most driest continent after Antarctica.

    And coal mining is a blight upon the land. Can you explain to us why Mining Companies are not required to comply with the Water Act 1912, Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, and Forestry Act 1916. What is the message here?

    It is hard not to believe cynically that Mining trumps all other considerations and to have questions about financial back door dealings.

    We need our politicians to have vision for our future not on the immediate financial profits. We need you to have and to demonstrate integrity and to represent us, the people who elected you.

    Please prove to be worthy of the trust we place in you as our leaders and don’t let us and our children’s futures down.

  • editor