Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

RiverCare Working Bee and End of Year Celebration Sunday 8th December

  • Time: 8.30am
  • Date: Sunday 8th December 2024
  • Location: Park on the cleared area near the picnic table past the Wharf Bench on the southern side of the creek accessed off Kennedy Street. Turn left into the gap between the trees before you reach the house at the end of the street. Follow the AURG Working Bee signs 

Our final working bee for 2024 is scheduled for Sunday 8 December and will involve weeding and a general tidy up of our WW2WW site area. We will finish up our work activity around morning tea-time and then relax and enjoy the moment through to lunch time.

Please bring along some Christmas nibbles to share.

AURG will provide the usual morning tea and BBQ lunch items.

Also, can you advise whether you can attend so that we can provide for the BBQ lunch items and refreshments.

Membership regulations:
All AURG (sub-group) members & volunteers must also hold a current membership as an Individual Member, under the auspicing body of Southern New England Landcare Limited. This is to ensure everyone is covered for public liability and insurance purposes.

All participants wishing to attend the AURG working bee must be a current Individual SNEL Member i.e.

  • Hold current membership. SNEL will provide AURG with a current list prior to each event.
  • New volunteers should register online via the SNEL Membership page on the website , prior to the event.
  • A new person or non-member, who arrives on the day to the AURG working bee, must sign a hard copy Membership form, when registering “at the door”, in order to participate at the event.
  • Membership is current for 12 months

We look forward to catching up with you.

Bryan Johnston – Ph {local land line}72 1414 – Mob {mobile prefix oh for}29 721 424

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