Local Arding Landcare Group member, Chris Duncan, has been recognised as the 2017 recipient of the John-Winter Irving Bequest.
Chris Duncan and her husband David are working with Northern Tablelands Local Land Services and the Arding Landcare Group to conserve and manage Thomas Lagoon, an ecologically threatened upland wetland which is partly located on their property.
“We’d like to congratulate Chris for her outstanding work during the last two years to rally the local community together around Thomas Lagoon,” said Southern New England Landcare President, David Henderson.
Chris serves her community as secretary of the revived Arding Landcare Group where she initiates, organises and manages group events, raises group funds and helps the group grow, with new members from the Invergowrie area joining in.
Chris accesses resources and attends other regional events to develop her skills, promote Arding Landcare Group, and build the capacity of other group members. During the last year, she has participated in bird days, wetland events, a sustainable management of horses seminar, and a Trees on Small Farms workshop.
“One of the wonderful ‘side-effects’ of Chris’ commitment has been the revival of Arding Landcare Group,” said David.
“It’s for all these great reasons that Southern New England Landcare sees Chris as a deserving recipient of the bequest, and we look forward to what she achieves with it,” he said.
Since his passing, John Winter-Irving’s family makes available an annual bequest to be used as a study grant in an activity of the recipient’s choosing in order to continue John’s unfailing commitment to Landcare.
Each year, the Board of Southern New England Landcare identifies someone who has shown skills, interest and commitment in either sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, rural development or leadership, and in the view of the Board has the potential for further development with the assistance of the bequest.