As the holiday shopping frenzy ramps up, it can feel like we’re being bombarded with ads and promotions, pushing us to buy more and more. But here at The Story of Stuff Project, we believe in something different — that joy doesn’t come from Stuff. We believe in cherishing what we do own, resisting the consumer economy, and building a future where people and the planet come before profit.
Whether it’s choosing to shop secondhand rather than buy new or simply pausing before you hit the checkout button, we can all rethink the way we consume.

Here’s how you can take action with us:
- Commit to creative reuse: Opt to gift thrifted or refurbished items instead of new. We have the power to slow down the take-make-waste cycle by adding some creativity to holiday shopping.
- Support reuse legislation: Our culture of overconsumption fuels a wasteful, disposable system that corporations like McDonald’s claim to tackle—but their actions tell a different story.
- Unsubscribe from sales communication and unfollow brands on social media: We all get those pesky marketing emails, physical mail, and texts, not to mention an onslaught of social media sales messaging, around the holidays.
The holiday season doesn’t have to be about more Stuff. Together, we can turn the tide against corporate-driven overconsumption and reclaim the real joy of the holiday season.
Will you join us in reimagining the future?
In solidarity,
The Story of Stuff