SLA’s big chance to shine

Dear Members and Friends of SLA, Council’s annual Sustainable Living Expo (SLEX) is less than a month off, and as usual we in SLA are planning to do a display that will show our spirit: Connect, Create, Inspire, Act. Our strength is in our members’ (that’s you)...

Get creative with that ‘junk’ for SLEX

Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) is gearing up for Council’s annual Sustainable Living Expo SLEX, which will be held in the Creeklands on 21,22,23 October. We want YOU to get involved. Have you ever made something useful and/or beautiful out of what others might call...

Come & help plan the SLA display at SLEX

Armidale’s Sustainable Living Expo (SLEX) is on October 21,22,23 in the Creeklands. There’s a meeting to start organising our SLA display for SLEX to be held on Tuesday 23rd August at 4pm at 163 Barney Street. So come along and join in the early planning,...

Introducing EdFest’11

Youth Learning & Leadership for Sustainability has been a strong focus for a wide range of community organisations, schools and educational bodies throughout the New England for many years. It is a priority identified through the New England Sustainability...

Quick tour of SLA tent @ SLEX 2010

Hi Folks, If you missed SLEX this year, no fear, I caught it on mobile video. Well I caught the bit that was SLA’s involvement, and that was our Peak Oil tent. It was an undeniable success, and much thanking needs to be done, I hope I don’t miss anyone Jo,...

SLA at SLEX Working Bee

When: Saturday, 23rd October 2010 10:30 am to Sunday, 24th October 2010 5:00 pm Where: Iain’s house 23 Kennedy St Nth (off Erskine St) Jo and Pats have put together the beginnings of tasks, and materials lists for the working bee. One of the most challenging...