Dear Members and Friends of SLA,

Council’s annual Sustainable Living Expo (SLEX) is less than a month off, and as usual we in SLA are planning to do a display that will show our spirit: Connect, Create, Inspire, Act.

Our strength is in our members’ (that’s you) commitment to local sustainability.

Please choose ONE OR MORE from the list below to make your contribution & tell us what you can do:

  • Attend the next planning/design meeting on Tuesday 4th October at 4pm at the SNELC Centre (Beardy Street, upstairs from Colour Copy Centre, opposite Hanna’s)
  • Offer an object for display that you have created from materials that some would have thrown out. (see below)
  • Declare your availability to help us set things up on Wed and Thurs 19th & 20th October at the tent in the Creeklands
  • Volunteer for one or more 2 hr shifts to staff our display on Fri 21st (9 to 5), Sat 22nd (9 to 5), Sun 23rd (9 to 2), and/or the big dismantling & clean-up on Sunday from 2pm, till it’s over (then maybe a party??)

What are we doing this year?

We’ll be putting the spotlight on practical alternatives to galloping consumption by setting up walk-through rooms in an ‘average’ home, furnished with items lovingly made from re-used materials, or available from local op-shops. Plus there’ll be a ‘shed’ with blokes from the Men’s Shed working, and maybe the kid’s room will have something children can ‘make and take’. The home entertainment room will be screening a program of films.

Every item will be labelled with its personal re-creation story.

Will it be like the SLA displays in previous years?

In terms of scale, creativity, and inspiration, we hope so. Last year we had a large tent featuring the many issues around peak oil, and a place to sit and chat, and a movie theatrette. The year before we built a full-size sustainable backyard.

Each year we’ve had about 40 to 50 people involved. We have a reputation to maintain, folks. Many hands make light work. All contributions welcome: thinking, building, taking on some organising, labouring, keeping people happy. Please contact Bar

Please let us know NOW how you intend to help, so we can all relax confidently into the communal effort.