SLA at SLEX Tent setting up

We had a terrific meeting today. We’ve reached the stage where we need people to say, “Oh, I could do that bit and then they go ahead and do it.” More involvement is needed. NEXT MEETING:  join us on Saturday, October 16th at 2:00pm at SNELC (stairs...

SLA at SLEX Meeting Saturday 2pm at SNELC

Our SLEX display is beginning to come together. The focus is on peak oil, with three main sections: The past: the role oil has played globally, in Australia and in Armidale Now: what is peak oil and what is the significance of oil and its products in our lives—with...

SLA stand at SLEX meeting

With SLEX less than five weeks away, we need lots of support. We’ve got some exciting ideas but still are still focusing on content. If you are free, please come to the next planning meeting. Thurs 30 September at 5:15 at SNELC (Southern New England LandCare,...

Sustainable Living Expo 2010

Sustainable Living Expo (SLEX 2010), will be held within Civic and Curtis Parks, on October 29, 30 and 31. The major sponsor for SLEX 2010 is again the University of New England (UNE), with all previous stakeholders also committing to the event including Sustainable...

SLA at SLEX meeting – All welcome

Meeting at Kent House. Get involved in what is probably the most important event for SLA annually. We are doing something quite different this year with a focus on Peak Oil and visioning possible future scenarios for Armidale. Join other wonderful and caring folk in...