With SLEX less than five weeks away, we need lots of support. We’ve got some exciting ideas but still are still focusing on content. If you are free, please come to the next planning meeting.

Thurs 30 September at 5:15 at SNELC (Southern New England LandCare, stairs to right of the Colour Copy Centre in the East Mall).

Peak oil has dropped off national media, we want to bring it back. Our focus will be on oil, its role in the rapid global development, its place in our lives today when it is about at the peak of extraction, and how we can prepare for a resilient future when oil is increasingly expensive. There will be a local focus in our 18m x 12m tent – with a winding path for our main exhibition, perhaps with smaller pods where people are invited to engage with materials or see a film.

We need people at the planning stage (i.e. NOW), at the design stage, then setting up the exhibition and finally to help during SLEX, October 29,30th and 31st. Please let us know if you can participate in any one of these stages.

We’ll try not to plague people with emails, just sending out meeting notices, but we do need creative support all along the way if we hope to make an exhibition that draws the crowds.

If last year is anything to judge by, this will be a lot of fun.