Our SLEX display is beginning to come together. The focus is on peak oil, with three main sections:

  1. The past: the role oil has played globally, in Australia and in Armidale
  2. Now: what is peak oil and what is the significance of oil and its products in our lives—with emphasis on New England
  3. The future: As oil becomes increasingly expensive what choices do we have as a community?

We have some really good ideas for all three sections, and have mapped out the basic layout of our display. Now we really need more people to come along and get involved in bringing it all together; we’ve reached the stage where we need people to say, “Oh, I could do that bit” and then they go ahead and do it. Come and join the action! Last year we had over 50 people helping to put the sustainable backyard together, and it was fantastic being part of it all.

  1. NEXT MEETING:  join us on Saturday, October 16th at 2:00pm at SNELC (stairs to right of Colour Copy Centre in east mall). Finalise content and assign jobs.
  2. WORKSHOPS on Saturday and Sunday, October 23rd and 24th.
  3. SETTING  up our tent Wednesday and Thursday, October 27th and 28th
  4. TENT ROSTER, agreeing to be in the tent for several hours, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 29-31.