Youth Learning & Leadership for Sustainability has been a strong focus for a wide range of community organisations, schools and educational bodies throughout the New England for many years. It is a priority identified through the New England Sustainability Strategy.

YOUth LEADing Australia 2009 and YOUth LEADing the World 2010 were successful in supporting dozens of New England youth to strengthen their active roles in sustainability.

This year Starfish is partnering with SLEx to organise a positive, creative and hands-on leadership and learning opportunity at EdFest’11 that excites and empowers young people to create a sustainable world.

A range of workshops, activities and events will schedule throughout SLEx ’11 to appeal to the needs of a range of different age groups and levels of interest, presented by schools, peers as well as educational professionals.

Already confirmed are Costa GeorgiadisRanger Stacey and the King & Queen of Green.

We are also pleased to announce that UNE student Sewa Emojong will be coordinating EdFest’11 ~ making it youth led and youth run too.

Sewa will be in touch shortly to call for expressions of interest ~ for school groups to attend, for workshop presenters (schools, peers & professionals) ~ and to outline more about EdFest’11.

Please put the dates in your diary. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Cheers, Adam