Free ZNET Event — Mending made easy

Sew & Mend: Free Community Workshops — Ages 12 & up Mending made easy Saturday 25 June 12pm – 4pm Community Centre Uralla For bookings, email or phone {mobile prefix oh for}20 514 653  Thank...

A new community solar farm

Starfish’s Farming the Sun community solar energy collaboration has today begun work on a possible new community solar farm, situated on the outskirts of Uralla in the NSW High Country. This opportunity has come about with thanks to local solar innovators,...

Climate Matters: What’s That Elephant in Our Woodlands?

Z-NET Uralla has started a new phase in the Shire’s transition to 100% renewable energy. The Z-NET Blueprint showed that firewood is a large component of the energy mix – not surprising given the winter temperatures we experience and the poor thermal performance...

Taking Sustainability into our own hands

URALLA SUSTAINABILITY EXPO To support people to take their own actions towards sustainability, Z-NET Uralla is holding a hands-on Sustainability Expo on 3 August 2019, in partnership with Uralla Shire Council, as a Local Government Week event. Working together, there...