10968361_1087025144660191_5428399369435857746_nRegional Development Australia Northern Inland and Z-NET Uralla are holding a workshop for New England businesses in Uralla on 28 June 2016, 6pm at the Community Centre, Hill Street.

“Taking Control of Your Power – Reduce/Generate/Store”

This is a free community workshop designed for local businesses to explore how to reduce energy consumption, how to generate renewable energy from solar panels, and options for storing energy overnight. The workshop will cover:

  • What is technically feasible?
  • What makes financial sense for my business?
  • What innovative business models are being used for landlord/tenant arrangements?

Workshop Program Taking Control of Your Power General Program and Flyer

Please RSVP email by 27th June 2016 or contact Stephanie McCaffrey at Uralla Shire Council on {local landline prefix}8-6316
By: Sandra Eady