12823313_1356827934346576_1161063586259297584_oWe will be promoting all of those wonderful things that will bring Uralla towards covering our energy use in a sustainable manner.

On Saturday 19th March at Seasons of New England we will be assisting with energy efficiency guidance and display equipment promoting the idea of energy audits, upgrade of appliances (LEDs, etc), insulation/curtains, etc. Test us out and ask about those difficult questions you have about saving power and so save money. Any project is about assessing the need so we will be seeking people to register for our soon to start home energy audit program. Hopefully some of you will also wish to become members of ZNET Uralla.

There will be the most informative lighting and appliance efficiency display unit operated by Peter Stanley from RDANI.

As 45% of Uralla’s energy use comes from firewood we will be have displays showing what we need to think about when getting our firewood and how we use it.

And the very popular giant pumpkin lanterns carved ready to go in the Uralla Arts Lantern Parade in the evening.

Sandra will again be doing Vacola bottling demonstrations – popular at last year’s stand. Vacola bottling is an energy efficient way of preserving fruit. Safer that power or fridge failures.

See you there!

By: Peter Low