Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Armidale Bike Week – Commute Challenge 2015

Show just how much pedal power you have during Armidale’s third annual Commute Challenge – a NSW Bike Week activity and continues the Armidale Road full article »

The UN climate summit in Paris online course – Free registration open now!

2015 is a big year for the international politics of climate change. Just in time for the UN climate summit in Paris in December, the full article »

Call to all students – make an ‘Energetic’ video – Deadline 12th October

Dear Teachers and Students, we hope you take up the offer and make a video.

Sincerely the Armidale Dumaresq Environmental Sustainability Committee

full article »

The Top 100 documentaries we can use to change the world

Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels.

Over the last 8 full article »

Is even humanity now an endangered species?

The planet is entering a new period of extinction with top scientists warning that species all over the world are “essentially the walking dead” ~ full article »

If everyone lived in an “ecovillage”, the Earth would still be in trouble

If everyone lived in the same way as Australians or North Americans we would need four or five planet Earths to sustain us.

This full article »

Armidale Road to Paris needs help

We hope you have already heard of Armidale Road to Paris, a campaign to raise awareness throughout our community of the importance of the full article »

Frackman is back for another showing and discussion

Frackman will be showing at Kent House 2pm on the 12th of July followed by afternoon tea & a brief introduction to Sustainable Living Armidale’s full article »

We’re on a road to Paris, come along for the ride

The Armidale Road To Paris campaign is shaping up to spread/reach throughout the Armidale community. There’s a small job for you, as a person concerned full article »

The Climate Council publication now available – Galilee Basin – Unburnable Coal

If all of the Galilee Basin coal was burned, it’s estimated that 705 million tonnes of CO2 would be released each year – that’s full article »

SMH Climate for Change series

The Sydney Morning Herald is putting all its climate change articles on its website under ‘UN Climate Conference

Makes for interesting reading.

full article »

Road to Paris’ first Extra article featured!

Alain attracting a lot of attention at the Farmers Markets

A number of the Road to Paris crew donned their Frenchie gear on full article »

Fairy Bread, Vegemite Worms & Cutting Carbon Pollution

Australia’s pretty great. We have fairy bread, vegemite worms and the Big Pineapple.

Not to mention clean air, water and land; healthy and safe fresh full article »

Road to Paris 6-step community engagement framework

Community Engagement Strategy proposed at the Road to Paris (R2P) meeting held 16/04/15. It is one that is utilised by a similar transition town group full article »

The Great, or not so great, Acceleration

Humanity has become the dominant force of change on Earth, surpassing in importance the geophysical forces that up until now have shaped the biosphere.

full article »

CSIRO and BOM create new site: Climate Change in Australia

CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology have recently completed updated climate projections to supersede information released in 2007. The research is currently available on the full article »