Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

SLA Road To Paris banner: have you added to it?

The banner, or visual petition, has grown and grown. It’s been available for people to draw or write on at lots of events. If you’re an SLA supporter, and you haven’t yet put something on it, get in touch.

The banner will be the centrepiece of our Climate Rally on Sunday 29th November at Central Park at 1pm. This is the eve of the UN Paris Climate Summit, and is part of the Global Peoples’ Climate March.

The banner, held up by you all, will be filmed at the Rally, and the images will go around the world to add to the people’s message to the Summit.

There will be a final opportunity to add your thoughts to the banner at the Reclaim The Night markets in the Mall on the evening of Friday 27th, but you can ring (local prefix) –72 4667 or email <> and make a time before then.


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