AUGUST FORUM: Stop Laughing, This is serious

Mahalath Halperin presents some light relief in these somewhat dire times. Stop Laughing, This is serious – a journey of climate and political cartoons. When: Aug 6, 2020 19:00 JOIN THE ZOOM WEBINAR Passcode: 772614 Or iPhone one-tap : Australia:...

CLIMATE MATTERS: Willows — friend or foe?

You may have noticed that there is a war on willows in Armidale’s creeks. What’s wrong with willows in the creek? Is there anywhere they can be planted? Willows belong to the genus Salix, with nine species occurring on the Northern Tablelands. Willows are commonly...

Reucassel is back! Fight For Planet A starts AUG 11

Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge explores how we can all reduce our individual and collective carbon emissions. This three-part documentary aims to empower and motivate Australians to take action on climate change. Starts Tuesday 11 August 8.30pm on ABC +...

THE PLUNDERING OF PILLIGA — Only 40 copies left!

The book ‘The Plundering of Pilliga and Leard Forest and the surrounding farmlands’ is available. It has information about the damage caused to Leard and Pilliga Forests, the water table and our farmlands by coal and coal seam gas mining. It highlights the lack of...

Our Islands, Our Home

Eight claimants are taking the Australian government to the UN for failing to act on climate change and for putting the Torres Strait Islands, people and culture at risk. The Torres Strait is made up of 133 islands just north of Queensland, Australia. Each Torres...

INVITATION: Clean Jobs Summit | 19 Aug

You’re invited to Re-energise Australia: A clean jobs summit for local government, a free online event hosted by the Cities Power Partnership. The event brings together local government leaders and industry experts to chart the best course for a sustainable...

AACSGaM Presentation to IPC Hearing on Vickery Extension

Dear All, Here is the presentation I just made to the IPC Hearing regarding the Vickery Extension on behalf of AACSGaM. Stay safe, Bea 4th July, 2020  Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining is one of several action groups of Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA). The...


Compost is the ultimate plant food and soil amendment and the secret to healthy soil and healthy plants. Compost improves soil structure, protects plants from pests and diseases, builds soil fertility, and provides essential plant nutrients. Soil with organic matter...

SS4C+AYCC Become a student leader!

We’re in a critical time for our planet. As we work to recover from the COVID-19 crisis and rebuild our economy, the Morrison government is continuing to push to make this recovery one that benefits the fossil fuel companies, which could take us from this crisis...

VIDEO: Inspiration from South Eastern NSW

In 2006, a group called Clean Energy for Eternity started in the little NSW south coast town of Tathra. As you watch this video, you will be amazed at how, from this, they have managed to mobilise people from all over this corner of the state – and how they have...

VIDEO: Stop Vickery Mine Expansion — make a submission

As you may be aware, Groups  are  preparing to send submissions to the Independent Planning Commission in relation to the Vickery Mine Expansion, which will be dangerously close to the Namoi River, for one thing….besides, more coal, less farmland. Please be inspired...


Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the Annual General Meeting will be held by Zoom video-conference in accordance with clause 34 of the SLA Constitution. The AGM will be before the July forum with office bearers elected and Convenors of Action Groups endorsed. A brief...

Swarm at Armidale Community Preschool

Armidale Community Preschool is a community-based service in the centre of Armidale.  Our preschool environment is natural, consisting of native and exotic plants and trees, which attracts a range of creatures from insects to birds and lizards.  We have installed...

A new community solar farm

Starfish’s Farming the Sun community solar energy collaboration has today begun work on a possible new community solar farm, situated on the outskirts of Uralla in the NSW High Country. This opportunity has come about with thanks to local solar innovators,...

Quarterly Essay: The Coal Curse

Australia is a wealthy nation with the economic profile of a developing country – heavy on raw materials, and low on innovation and skilled manufacturing. Once we rode on the sheep’s back for our overseas trade; today we rely on cartloads of coal and tankers of LNG....

Climate Matters: 5 Lessons from the Drought

The Bird Bath — The hot dry weather over 2014 and now 2018 made the value of a birdbath very obvious. Species of birds that have not visited before became regular visitors during the drought. One morning an Olive Oriole and an Eastern Shriketit joined the 15 or so...

VIDEO & REPORT: June Forum — Wood Smoke

In 2018 the Armidale Regional Council Mayor formed the Wood Smoke Advisory Group (WSAG) as an independent body to determine what the situation with wood smoke in Armidale was, and to provide recommendations to move forward to address the long standing issue. The...

Renew Armidale — We want to know what you think

As you are probably aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted progress and badly affected our regional economy. However, the gradual lifting of restrictions allows us to plan a brighter future and we want your views on what that future should be like. We want to...