Friday was School Strike 4 Climate’s broadest day of action yet! From small towns to big cities, online and offline, tens of thousands of people across this continent sent a clear message to the government: #FundOurFutureNotGas.
Here are the numbers:
- 630 actions were held!! Together we held the most widespread action against publicly funded gas in Australia’s history
- Our demands have been endorsed by unions representing 1.5 million workers, and hundreds of other organisations and businesses. Union members took action too, including oil and gas workers, nurses and teachers
- The media covered the day widely with 552 newspaper and online stories, and 304 radio and TV stories- with big numbers in regional areas.
- Hundreds of people flooded Scott Morrison’s office with calls sharing our demands – and another week of calls are booked up
- Thousands of people joined our powerful online rally
- Countless new young people were inspired and empowered to stand up for their future!
This is just the beginning. We are serious about our future and not letting Morrison get away with his dangerous gas plans, so the fight does not end here. We have a plan to keep buildingpower against gas, keep your eyes peeled.
If you are super inspired by September 25th and want to join our powerful movement let us know by filling in this form & we will be in touch soon.
In hope,
Nina, on behalf of School Strike 4 Climate
P.S We are raising money to support the rural and regional strikers taking action at the frontline of the fossil fuel industry! Donate here