We’re looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday night for our massive online rally calling on Lloyd’s of London to ditch fossil fuels and walk away from Adani!

In exciting news, we just got an email from Newline, a Lloyd’s of London insurer, saying the company does not insure the Adani Carmichael coal project, and doesn’t intend to. That’s the 16th Lloyd’s insurer to commit to not insuring Adani!

This is Adani’s last option for insurance. We know someone in the Lloyd’s marketplace is insuring Adani. Now, we need your help to flush them out.

Help build the heat on Lloyds insurers by sharing this NEW video outlining why Lloyd’s are a key target for the #StopAdani movement and promoting Wednesday’s rally.

And here are all the important details for Wednesday:

  • WHAT: An online rally to call on Lloyd’s to Insure Our Future not Adani 
  • WHEN: Wednesday 28th October 7pm-8.15pm AEDT (VIC, NSW, ACT). 
  • HOW TO JOIN: Click this link on your computer to join from anywhere: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89255159531
  • WHAT TO BRING: Your #StopAdani T-shirt and signs, your friends and a charged phone!

Our rally is already making waves in key insurance media outlets. But we know that to have a real impact on the day we need hundreds of people just like you on the line all taking powerful action together.

See you there!  Nina – for the #StopAdani team