2024 SLA AGM

All are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting of Sustainable Living Armidale Inc. (SLA), which will be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday, 25 July 2024. Participants are invited to attend via Zoom. The formalities will include election of office bearers and...


Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the Annual General Meeting will be held by Zoom video-conference in accordance with clause 34 of the SLA Constitution. The AGM will be before the July forum with office bearers elected and Convenors of Action Groups endorsed. A brief...

SLA 2019 AGM

The AGM will be held before the July forum with office bearers elected and Convenors of Action Groups endorsed. A brief year in review by Action Group convenors and vision for the future year will be presented by the current convenor Mahalath Halperin. The AGM will...

July Forum: How can I help? 7:30pm

With many new refugees now becoming part of our Armidale community, SLA is hosting a forum with the key players involved with their resettlement. Find out what’s happening, what’s proposed and how you can get involved and help. A panel of speakers will include...