Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Minutes of SLACC Meeting held on Wednesday 29th September 2010

Present: Patsy Asch, Jo Leoni (chair), Helen Webb, Iain Mackay, Bar Finch (minutes)

Apologies: Joc Coventry, Robyn Newberry, Lindsay Fulloon.

Business Arising

  1. Food Sovereignty Alliance – no info
  2. Logo – Congratulations to Iain on the logo comp, and its successful outcome. Iain will do a letterhead format for our correspondence. Adam Synott has suggested we use logo on T-shirts.
  3. Still need to get publicity for the Visitor Centre panels, plus appropriate display inside and perhaps results linked to ADC website.
  4. Iain will put the SLA submission to ADC Planning Document on our website.


  1. From Pat Lightfoot, willing to help.
  2. From ADC inviting SLA submission to the State of the Environment Report.
  3. To ADC, our submission to SoE Report.

Treasurer’s Report

No report available. Noted some items of expenditure: booking fee for Awakening the Dreamer Seminar 7 Nov, of $265 (inc. returnable deposit of $100); purchase of marquee $400; income of $415 from gardening workshops.

Action Groups

ALF (Jo)

  1. First SLA stall at Farmers’ Market to be on 17 Oct.
  2. Marquee has been purchased.
  3. 2nd Garden Soils workshop held
  4. Next ALF workshop, early December: Preparing for a Winter Garden.

Energy (Pats)

  1. Meeting held
  2. Small group (Paul, Patsy, Kate) looking into proposed development of 80 unit Oak Tree Village, hoping to suggest tri-generation, and sustainable design for cold climate.
  3. Letter to NSW Gov. supporting solar bonus scheme.
  4. Adam Blakester has put in proposal for Green Start to replace Green Audits (SNELCC and SLA will be part of this).
  5. Visitor Info Centre panels. Good they’re now installed, though positioning inhibits additional panels.
  6. NESS has $60,000 for feasibility study for financial/ administrative structure for community project e.g. wind farm. SLA has role in community education and consultation.
  7. Need to look at Servie’s proposed motel development for sustainability features.
  8. Tree Group is concerned about options for greenhouse heating. Suggestions welcome.
  9. Energy costs. Apparently 30.000 NSW houses have had their electricity cut off because they can’t pay their bills. The past 3 years Country Energy fees in Armidale for ‘service availability’ have increased by more than 100%, and their ‘usage’ fees have risen about 25%.  Pats has written to the Independent Pricing Tribunal urging that ‘service availability’ fees should be lower and usage fees be higher, to reward low energy users. Copy of letter sent to Country Energy.

10. We need to address energy efficiency, not conservation

Heart & Soul (Helen)

  1. Gathering at Ruth Tremont’s, approx 12 people – digging & talking.
  2. Next one at Kath Wray’s Sun 1 0th, 2.30pm
  3. Legacy Hall booked for Awakening the Dreamer Symposium on 7th Nov. Publicity to be planned.

Awareness (Iain)

  1. Website and SLAM going well: Debra does Re-News (i.e. from other places), and Michelle is doing stuff for the ALF page
  2. Over 200 people signed up to SLAM (Congrats!)
  3. Some discussion of details – Iain has plans for improvements.
  4. Need to streamline welcome for new subscribers (Iain & Bar)
  5. Need someone to be responsible for sending info to NEON, Unresolved.

Agreed that, subject to talking to Ray, we should get out of ‘sla.convenors’


Planning meeting tomorrow. Major effort needed.

Tuesday Forums

October: Dirt The Movie. SLA has purchased for community showings. (Cost $145)

November: LETS (Local skills exchange/trading)

December: Celebration, in park, live music, food.

There being no items of General Business, the meeting closed at 9.05pm

Next meeting: Wednesday 27th October 2001 at 7.30pm at SNELC Centre.

Comments are closed.