Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Minutes of SLACC meeting held on Tuesday 28th June 2011

Present:, Patsy Asch, Jo Leoni, Joc Coventry (chair), Bar Finch (minutes), Iain MacKay, Cathie Lamont, Helen Webb, Robyn Newberry, Tom Livanos.

Apologies: Michelle Owens,

Minutes of previous meeting 31.5.11 adopted.

Business Arising
· Pats has written to ADC General Manager about the solar panels information computer at the Visitor Centre: display & the future use of the $3,123 savings.

· Still to happen: informal meeting with City Engineer about peak oil. (Joc)

· – Bar will contact Tom Fisher and Marilyn Miller to see if they would like to take on organizing 350 bikes on 24 September?

· Express ads did appear OK.


· From Ducat, Torbay, Windsor and Premier’s Dept in response to SLA letters following screening of State of Siege film.

· Insurance policy renewal documents.

· 2 letters of complaint about Live Export Protest being a SLAM item, and SLA responses.

There was considerable discussion of how to handle ‘controversial’ items that were not SLA organizational matters. Agreed that Iain and Joc will confer and come up with notice for website that will encourage wide views but will also identify postings as “user/member submitted” to identify postings from an individual. Also that we include a link to our ‘vision etc’ in SLAM.

Treasurer’s Report (Robyn)
Still chasing money for Home Grown Tour from Visitor Centre.
Insurance due, will be paid this week.


SLEX (Joc)
Attended working group meeting.
Discussion of ideas so far for SLA:
· work with HiCUB
· Display of re-use objects – both display and activities (Men’s Shed people keen)
· Possibly show film Garbage Warriors
· Yes, have film showings
· Some information about carbon – maybe linking re-use displays with info about carbon
· Computer recycling
Agreed we need member meeting to get going. Joc will announce at next Forum. Possible meeting Thursday 14th, 6pm – 8pm tbc.

Welcome to Tom Livinos who is interested in convening this group, and has ideas to re-invigorate the group.
Warmly agreed that Iain should continue on SLACC as Web Editor.

Village (Cathie)
Not much to report, still trying to get a core group – meeting next week.
Following discussion of the August Forum being about ‘Sharing Resources in a Sustainable Community’, it was agreed that it be a combination of talking about sharing, in the form of stories, and a practical sharing of produce, seeds, and food to eat on the night.
(Cathie left)

ALF (Jo)
· Farmers Market to continue through winter, SLA stall will keep going, except early July market.
· Talk today at UNE, jointly supported by ALF and Sanctuary, by a Ugandan woman farmer brought to Australia by Action Aid, to make important point that the bulk of world food production is in the hands of small farmers, mostly women, who need support.
· The community garden proposal looks as though it will go ahead behind NERAM.
Additional information from Bar about the proposed ‘sustainability precinct’ in that area: A planning meeting is to be held in July to bring together the many stakeholders for this major development, and SLA will certainly be invited to participate along with HiCUB, NERAM, Keeping Place, Lands Dept., Council, EASLECC, and others.

Energy (Pats)
· Meeting tomorrow
· 100% Renewables Forum in Town Hall a great success, thanks to Hadley & Jarra. Everyone encouraged to lobby the parliamentary carbon committee to ensure an outcome that includes renewables.
· Wind Farm Feasibility study now completed – govt. response due in July

Heart & Soul (Helen)
· Canvassing for convenor, though Helen willing to continue
· Small group from SLA going to the Stillness in Energy retreat at Mt Hyland
· Disaster training/Red Cross postponed because of floods
· Helen is doing a 2 week volunteer stint at retreat

Thursday Forums
· July: Carmel Flint – Carving Up The Bush (preceded by AGM)
· August: Sharing Resources in a Sustainable Community. Cathie & friends. Will include supper cum party.
· September: waiting to hear about possibility of Cuban Energy man who is visiting Australia around then. Jo will contact Jan Brahe. If not, maybe a film? Or maybe a look at where we are at in transition? Or maybe Richard and Judy (Inst. Rural Futures)
· Tom has some ideas for conversations with members

General Business
AGM on 7.6.11:
Membership forms will be available before the meeting for people to become financial – Robyn will be there early. Bar to send message encouraging people to join up.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Next meeting of SLACC 26 July 2011.

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