Armidale Tree Group Open Day 7th April

When: Sunday 7th April 9.30-2.30PM Where: Armidale Tree Group 80 Mann St Cost: Free Program of events 10am Opening of our new Tunnel House by Adam Marshall Guided nursery tours Workshops in the nursery 10.30 Plant Identification — Peter Metcalfe 11.30 Native Plant...

‘Bridging the Woodland’ crowd funding page

Armidale Tree Group launched a crowd funding page at its 40th Anniversary dinner and are now promoting it. We raised good funds at the dinner with plenty of support, kick starting the goal of $25,000. ‘Bridging the Woodland’ crowd funding page will build a...

Armidale Tree Group 40 Years Birthday Party

Its our 40th birthday! The Armidale Tree Group is celebrating 40 years as a not-for-profit community group with a Celebratory Birthday Party at the Bowling Club on 7th October. Come and celebrate the many amazing years of the growing and planting of millions of native...

Armidale Tree Group Planting Tours

Self-guided tours of Armidale Tree Group plantings $10 per adult covers both days (u16 free) refreshments available 10am–3pm Saturday October 21 Selwyns Wood, 303 Castledoyle Road, Armidale (Jeremy Smith) 6,000 Trees Planted 2017 and 2020-21 10am–3pm Sunday October 22...

Save Koala Night

Save Koala Night is a 4 x DJs fundraiser celebrating our amazing and unique furry friends. It follows Save Koala Day celebrated on September 30 every year, and is part of the Save Koala Month celebrations organised by the Australian Koala Foundation. Join us, 5pm...

Presentation: 6 Legged Flower Visitors

The Armidale Tree Group is presenting a talk by Dr Sue Jaggar on the forgotten pollinators. Come along and learn about the amazing life stories of these insects, and what you can do to help them thrive. All ages are welcome. Tea coffee and nibbles will be provided....