We need you: SLA Float in Autumn Parade

We are seeking participants for this year’s Autumn Festival parade, to walk as part of the Sustainable Living Armidale float. SLA float at the Autumn Festival, Saturday 5th April 2025 Midday Central Park Even if you can’t attend the planning meeting or working bee,...

NCC Parliamentary trip with New England REZ Rep

We had a great parliamentary trip last week with the delegation from the Hunter and New England Renewable Energy Zones!  We met with: Dr Joe McGirr, Member for Wagga Wagga; Jeremy Buckingham MLC; Brendan Moylan, Member for Northern Tablelands; Sue Higginson MLC;...

Community Information Session — Gara BESS

This month, ACEnergy will submit the Gara Battery Energy Storage System(BESS) Environmental Impact Statement to the Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure (DPHI). This report includes detailed findings from research and investigations covering...

Social Developers Network meet with SLA & ZNet

Thanks to everyone who so generously shared your time on Saturday March 15th 9:30am at NERAM. It was Sarah’s meeting but from my point of view it could not have gone better, and I’m sure she agrees — Harry An exerpt from Harry Creamer’s invitation: I am writing...

NPA Forum: Managing Travelling Stock Routes

Managing Travelling Stock Routes for Ecological Significance and stock use At Kent house 141 Faulkner St Armidale. 6.00pm- Join us for supper of homemade soups (vegetarian or chicken and vegetable) 6.45pm- Forum on Travelling Stock Routes with guest speaker Ross...

Talk: Healthy and sustainable food systems

We have undertaken research into how to simultaneously improve human and planetary health by building alternative community food infrastructures (CFIs) that are socially and environmentally just. This has all been part of the Armidale Climate and Health Project,...

Video: Renewables done right

Welcome to ‘Renewables done right’, a new series we’ve been working on, where rural and regional Australians share their experiences of living with renewable energy. Last year we conducted some in-depth research into rural and regional attitudes to the...

Bob Brown Foundation’s March in March for Forests

On Sunday 23 March, we will be rallying for forests at Judith Wright Memorial, Civic Park, Creeklands. Hear updates from First Nations custodians, Forest Protectors and Ecologists about our precious Styx River and the endangered Greater Gliders who live there. Join us...

Electrify Armidale powers up

Congratulations to Electrify Armidale lead by Trevor Brown, in partnership with REEACH/SLA and the Community Power Agency and supported by UNE SRI in the gaining of a FRRR $20,000 grant titled “Armidale Community-Driven Shift to Renewable Energy and...

Community Tree Planting

The second Community planting was postponed due to the recent extreme weather. Those who had RSVP’d were contacted directly about the change but if any others would like to partake the details are as follows: Armidale Tree Group and Armidale Zonta Club —...

Koala Konversations

Come along for an inspiring evening with a panel of leading experts and get involved with a live Q&A discussion on koala conservation, research, and how you can help! The Northern Tablelands is home to some of NSW’s most important endangered koala populations....

Armidale Dumaresq Creek regeneration

Welcome to 2025 and advice for the start of our 2nd Sunday Working Bees. Our working bee will involve planting a new area within the Weedy Wasteland to Wildlife Wetland area, some infill planting and possibly weeding as well. Access will be from the south side via...

Community Garden Working Bee

Hi All, The Sunday 16th of March will be our first Working Bee for the year at the Community Garden. Any time from 1pm onwards. Bring your favourite tool. Come and enjoy working together amidst the flowers and harvest of Autumn. Afternoon tea at 3pm. Come for as long...

Forestry Corporation NSW loses $29m

Last year’s release of NSW Forestry Corporation’s annual report shows that the taxpayer is again propping up the destruction of our native forests. FCNSW reported a $29 million loss in its native hardwood division, almost double the figure reported the year before....

Tree planting for koalas

Everyone is welcome! There is no prior experience needed, wear sturdy shoes, gloves and a hat. It’s a great way to get involved in your community, meet new people, plant koala habitat, and make a difference. We hope to see you there! BBQ Lunch...

2025 Armidale Regional Liveability Survey

Liveability means different things to different people – what does it mean to you? This year, for the first time, the Armidale region is participating in the 2025 Armidale Regional Liveability Survey, joining over 80,000 people across Australia who have shared their...

Armidale Farmers Market

Armidale Farmers Market is on 2nd Sunday each month 8:30am–12:30pm at Curtis Park One of the great advantages of Curtis Park is that many people will be able to cycle and walk to the market. We’re always working on new ideas and activities in the pipeline and are...

Clean Up Australia Day ’25

Join in between 10am and 12pm, bring your own food for morning tea and then a sausage sizzle will be provided at the end for lunch. Where: starting at Civic Park (across from the Armidale Ex Services Club) and moving along the creeklands. What you will need to wear:...

Sustainable House Tour ’25

Are you looking for ideas to save energy at home, create beautiful spaces to live in, adapt or extend your present house or just to meet other locals and see how they’ve incorporated sustainable ideas into their house or renovation? Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA)...

Biodiversity Offsets Conference

The Biodiversity Offsets Conference, organised by Wando Conservation & Cultural Centre, is a one-day conference, movie screening and 1/2-day field trip taking a deep-dive into the Leard Forest ecological catastrophe that will explore biodiversity offsets and what...