2018 John Winter-Irving Bequest

Harnham Landcare Group members and steadfast community supporters, Garry and Beatrice Bashford, were congratulated last week when they received the 2018 John Winter-Irving Bequest. Each year, the Board of Southern New England Landcare identifies a member or partner...

Prickly Problems Project launch

You’re invited to the launch of the Prickly Problems Project and to celebrate 16 years of Armidale Urban Rivercare projects. Saturday June 23, 10-12pm at Creeklands Behind Phil Wheaton Oval, Erskine St Free brunch by Dumaresq Lions Club All...

Farm Planning Takes Innovation Approach

Landholders in the Southern New England are set to take advantage of farm planning with an agro-ecology focus and a twist of innovation at the end of April. “This particular opportunity has emerged out of feedback from participants at an event with David Hardwick run...

Landcare People’s Choice Awards Closes August 25th

Just to let you know that the Landcare People’s Choice Awards for 2013 are now accepting your vote! Voting for the 2013 NSW Landcare People’s Choice Award opened on July 12th and closes on August 25th. The New England region’s High Country Urban...