ARMIDALE URBAN RIVERCARE GROUP (AURG) hold working bees on Sunday mornings, approximately monthly. Quite a few SLA members are regulars, and it’s a good chance to meet others at a friendly working session.
Here’s the details for the next one:
The AURG in conjunction with the UNE Landcare Group and UNE Facility Management are going to undertake a working bee on Dumaresq Creek at Sport UNE this coming Sunday. The working bee is primarily a tree removal working bee and there will be lots of work for all who want to be involved. This work is hugely rewarding as you can see a lot of exotic/feral trees removed in a day’s work! Details as follows:-
Time: Start at 9am.
Date: Sunday 12 February 2012.
Location: The site can be accessed from the main car park at Sport UNE (just walk over the sports field to Dumaresq Creek) or you can access the site from the college side – just walk down the hill following the track that crosses the creek.
What to bring: Please bring your own personal protection gear (gloves, hats, sturdy boots, sun screen etc).
As we will be working around a lot of timber I strongly recommend people wear long sleeved shirts and trousers.
If you have high visibility shorts or dresses then please bring those as well.
If you have hearing protection please bring that as well.
A morning tea and lunch will be provided for a gold coin donation by the Lions Club so please bring along a mug!