Black Gully Festival 2019

On the 9thNovember the Black Gully Festival will be held in the parklands behind New England Art Museum in Armidale. This is the 9th festival, put on by a range of community groups, with the themes of Music, Art, Environment, Community. The heart of the festival is...

Climate Matters: Reducing Waste One Bag at a Time

Much of what we eat and drink comes in some kind of plastic packaging.It is estimated one million, single use, plastic bags are used worldwide every minute amounting to a staggering 3.5 million tons of waste per year. Recycling is once again in the spotlight with...

Boomerang Bag Bee

Boomerang Bags sewing bees are the second Saturday of the month at the Kent House Community Centre commencing at 9am to 1pm. It would be great to see you all there. Bring your friends and your sewing machine if you have one. There are some non-sewing jobs to do also....

They keep coming back — Boomerang Bags

Saturday 12th May, 9am, The Jacaranda Room out the back of Kent House is the location of Armidale Boomerang Bags third sewing bee. Join us to help reduce the use of plastic by sewing cloth bags. If you can’t sew, no problem, we can help you or there are...

New SLA action group — Boomerang Bags

Sustainable Living Armidale’s Waste action group had this great idea — Bring-a-Bag Armidale. The idea was to promote people taking their own bags shopping so they didn’t need to use the plastic bags provided by shops. The reason was that plastic bags were...