Sustainable Living Armidale’s Waste action group had this great idea — Bring-a-Bag Armidale. The idea was to promote people taking their own bags shopping so they didn’t need to use the plastic bags provided by shops. The reason was that plastic bags were ending up in the environment, polluting water ways, acidifying oceans, and generally causing problems not breaking down. Before the idea got up and running however a better solution was already thrown out there — Boomerang Bags. So instead of two competing solutions/brands, Sustainable Living Armidale has caught the already flying, nationally supported, Boomerang Bags initiative.

Boomerang Bags now has a page on our website as well as their initial Facebook page. Please keep an eye out for working bees to make the reusable bags and for the bags themselves. The bags are attractive, functional and sometimes available at the Food Shed and hopefully soon to be at the Farmers’ Market.