AURG Tree Planting Day Sunday 11 May at Elizabeth Park

The AURG is holding a tree planting day in Elizabeth Park on Sunday 11 May. We have two small sites in the north west corner of Elizabeth Park 1 (straight north of the toilet block) and can do some fill in plantings on a previous planting site close by. Entry to the...

AURG Working Bee Sunday 9 March

The AURG is holding a tree planting day at the St Peters Pre School area on the North side of Dumaresq Creek on Sunday 9 March. Dan Emery will be preparing the site for us and we will be replacing plants that have been lost and infilling existing areas with plants...

CANCELLED: AURG Working Bee Sunday 9 February

UPDATE: This event is cancelled but there will be more. The AURG is holding its first working bee for 2014.  This will be with the Bishops Court Reserve Group and involve some work with chainsaws to clear out woody weeds in the area as well as woody weed control...

AURG Christmas party

The AURG Christmas Party is on Sunday 8 December. Everyone is invited and the details for the evening are as follows:- Time                      From 5.30pm Date                      Sunday 8 December 2013 Location               Imi & Bea’s Place Imi & Bea’s...

AURG Tree Planting Day Sunday 10 November

The AURG is undertaking another tree planting day on Sunday 10 November 2013. The site is south of the creek between Elizabeth Park and St Peters Pre-school.  This planting will continue the linking of the existing plantings we have done in this area. We are hoping to...