P1010561The AURG is undertaking another tree planting day on Sunday 10 November 2013. The site is south of the creek between Elizabeth Park and St Peters Pre-school.  This planting will continue the linking of the existing plantings we have done in this area. We are hoping to plant 800 trees on the day!

Details for the day as follows:-

  • Time:                     8.30am
  • Date:                     Sunday 10 November 2013
  • Location:              Between Elizabeth Park and St Peters Pre-school south of the creek. Access via St Peters Pre-school, off Odell St.
  • What to bring:   BYO hat, sunscreen, long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots.  Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.  If you can also bring equipment for planting trees that would be great thanks!!

A morning tea and lunch will be provided for a gold coin donation with the generous support of the Armidale Dumaresq Lions Club.

The AURG will be informing the community through electronic media, on radio and the newspapers so we hope to get a big turnout.

Please note that Bar Finch will be chasing people for membership fees so if you could bring $5 for membership that would really be appreciated.

We do need some help on Saturday 9 November 2013 with preparing the site by watering it.  We will start at 9am at the same location and if we could get people there to help that would be great thanks.  Please RSVP to me if you can help with site watering on Saturday 9 November!

I hope to see you all there!