Labyrinth re-painted at Civic Park

The labyrinth has been repainted on the grass at Civic Park, just behind the Judith Wright Memorial Garden at the corner of Faulkner and Dumaresq Streets. Please feel free to walk it at your leisure. Some of us are walking at dusk on full moons, and there will most...

Guardian article on CSIRO – great graphics

May I recommend evryone in SLA to look at the article in the Guardian about the CSIRO statement on drought and climate change. Amazing Graphics. This is preliminary information from a publication due out I think in June, showing how different areas of Australia will...

Please sign the Solar Citizens petition

Sharing this petition with as many renewable energy fans as possible! Dear friend, Recently, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), one of the main organisations in charge of our energy system, flagged the potential to...