Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Armidale Farmers Market

Sunday, 12 Feb
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 12 Mar
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 9 Apr
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 14 May
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 11 Jun
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 9 Jul
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 13 Aug
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 10 Sep
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 8 Oct
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 12 Nov
9:00 amto1:00 pm
Sunday, 10 Dec
9:00 amto1:00 pm

Armidale Farmers Market is on the second Sunday of each month at Curtis Park. If you are a paid up member of Sustainable Living Armidale you are welcome to sell produce at the Armidale Local Food stall with a slice of profits going to paying for the stall and surplus goes to SLA which in turn propels new projects.

BYO bags + reuseables, we’re aiming for a plastic free zone!

We will be working with stallholders to make this a plastic free zone, with compostable bags and food containers being provided. As always, we strongly encourage people attending the market to bring their own bags.

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