Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas & Mining

Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining (AACSGaM) has been formed in response to the threat posed by coal seam gas mining to water, farmland and bushland. Briefing – Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Petition – Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Armidale...

Wildlife Habitat Group

Wildlife Habitat Group (WHG) was initially formed to preserve wildlife habitat through a focus on iconic species preservation, initially the koala, within the urban and peri-urban areas of Armidale and across the Armidale Regional Council area. Recently our concerns...

Sustainable Water Futures Armidale Region

Seeking water security for people and nature Aims Inspire our region to live sustainably with water Catalyse the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and ideas (including within governments at all levels) that enable our regional community to live sustainably with water,...

SLA Youth Awards

Sustainable Living Armidale are looking for entries from young people with innovative ideas for promoting awareness about climate change have you got an idea about climate change? The SLAYA Awards are an opportunity for young people who are making positive change in...

Sustainable Living Expo

The last SLEX was in 2011 discontinued because of lack of financial support. What you need to know about SLEX The Sustainable Living EXpo started 2007 and is held every year. SLEX initially developed from a number of community events into an integrated flagship event...