SLA Community is the Action Group in SLA whose focus is on nourishing the spirit of SLA and supporting members in their efforts to live more sustainably.
While “Community” is a separate Action Group, it is connected with all SLA groups … (for where would any of us be without people?) We see ourselves as the “Heart and Soul” of SLA. Our monthly meals are a great place to start if you’ve just joined (or haven’t yet joined!) and haven’t a clue what your main interest will be.
We meet regularly for a shared meal on the second Friday of each month, usually at a family-friendly home. This is a great opportunity to meet with like-minded people, share ideas, brainstorm and get support for projects, and/or just have a great time.
In addition to our regular gatherings, members suggest activities with a more specific focus. Some of these are one-off occasions (e.g. working bees at members’ homes, “report backs” from distant conferences attended by members, a film, a planning meeting); others have a more permanent/regular flavour.