Community was a broad idea of connection

SLA Community is the Action Group in SLA whose focus is on nourishing the spirit of SLA and supporting members in their efforts to live more sustainably.

While “Community” is a separate Action Group, it is connected with all SLA groups … (for where would any of us be without people?)  We see ourselves as the “Heart and Soul” of SLA.  Our monthly meals are a great place to start if you’ve just joined (or haven’t yet joined!) and haven’t a clue what your main interest will be.


We meet regularly for a shared meal on the second Friday of each month, usually at a family-friendly home.  This is a great opportunity to meet with like-minded people, share ideas, brainstorm and get support for projects, and/or just have a great time.

In addition to our regular gatherings, members suggest activities with a more specific focus.  Some of these are one-off occasions (e.g. working bees at members’ homes, “report backs” from distant conferences attended by members, a film, a planning meeting); others have a more permanent/regular flavour.


Posted on

Monday, 10 Feb

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