Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Global Wealth Inequality – What you never knew you never knew

The richest 300 people in the world are more wealthy than the poorest 3 billion combined, and every year rich countries take over 10 times full article »

One step off the grid – news for electricity consumers

RenewEconomy is launching One Step Off The Grid, a sister site with a focus on the consumer side of the energy market, and full article »

Australia’s First Electric Highway

Western Australia has installed a network of 12 electric vehicle fast charging stations, that can fully charge an EV in just 30 minutes and connecting full article »

Australia’s ‘greenest’ hotel pioneers

The Observatory is an independent 4.5 star hotel overlooking the beaches of Port Macquarie and the dedication of it’s 80 strata title owners to full article »

Ancient farming practices point to the future

Affectionately called “Professor” by his neighbors, Josefino Martinez is a well-respected indigenous farmer and community organizer from the remote town of Chicahuaxtla, in the Mexican full article »

New Video – Lismore Community Solar

With the Support of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, and the filming team, Oren Siedler and Michael Balson, project partners, Lismore City full article »

Winton going geothermal

The outback Queensland Shire of Winton will soon power all of its local government buildings and infrastructure using locally sourced renewable energy, after the full article »

The Top 100 documentaries we can use to change the world

Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels.

Over the last 8 full article »

Is even humanity now an endangered species?

The planet is entering a new period of extinction with top scientists warning that species all over the world are “essentially the walking dead” ~ full article »

If everyone lived in an “ecovillage”, the Earth would still be in trouble

If everyone lived in the same way as Australians or North Americans we would need four or five planet Earths to sustain us.

This full article »

Landscaping quietens an international airport

Schiphol Group

Two years ago in the Netherlands, artist Paul de Kort designed an 81-acre park near Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport with the mission of using full article »

Australia’s community-led renewable energy sector

The past few years have been exhilarating in the world of renewable energy technology. The global price of solar PV has plummeted, while electric cars full article »

World first in sustainability for Smoky Bay oyster farm

A South Australian oyster farm Angel Oysters has been approved with sustainability certification for its approach to farming oysters by Italy-based full article »

Furusato nozei – Japanese citizens direct taxes to rural areas

Many Japanese city-dwellers still harbour strong feelings towards their furusato ~ their home town or rural area which their forebears may have left many decades full article »

Imagine a car-free neighbourhood for a month

Two years ago, an average neighbourhood in the South Korean city of Suwon embarked on a radical experiment ~ for one month, the neighbourhood got full article »

The Great, or not so great, Acceleration

Humanity has become the dominant force of change on Earth, surpassing in importance the geophysical forces that up until now have shaped the biosphere.

full article »

Believe it or not… the earth is getting greener!

While the news coming out of forests is often dominated by deforestation and habitat loss, new full article »

Waste-free hair dressing

Sustainable Salons Australia (SSA), a program to divert 95% of the waste generated in hair salons from landfill, is full article »

World-leading tyre recycling operator in Warren, NSW

An Australian recycling start-up has been named as Australia’s first ever finalist in the US-based Edison Awards, one of the world’s top full article »

Community supported business models

You may be familiar with community supported agriculture (CSA) ~ which is where locals purchase a share of the season’s harvest upfront and get a full article »

Friends of the Alliance Photo and Poetry Competitions Ends this Thursday!

The Biennial National Rural Health Conference, Friends of the Alliance is hosting an amateur Photographic full article »

The 6th Great Extinction

More than 10 per cent of Australia’s native mammals have become extinct since European settlement. The extinction rate is higher than on any other continent.

full article »

Farming the Sun wins Growing Community Energy grant

L to R: Leslie Williams, NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Renewable Energy, Kasey Clifford, Australian Radio Towers, Patrick Halliday, Juno Energy, Sharyn Hunniset, Lismore full article »

Is your diet eating up the climate?

A new UK study measures and compares the dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat- and fish-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans.

The journal full article »

Radical land regeneration

The origins of the word ‘radical’ come from the Latin ‘radox’, which means to get to the root of things.

Sustainability requires radicalism, in its full article »