Lismore Community Solarfarms have launched

Lismore Community Solarfarms has ‘plugged in’ its two 99kW solar arrays which brings the project to completion. It was a day of celebration on Tuesday 30 January 2018, as we launched and “turned on” Farming the Sun’s two Lismore Community Solarfarms: the...

UPDATE: 7th block of solar power bulk-buy now open

We’re excited to announce that the 7th solar power bulk-buy block is now open! We’re just as excited to report that the program is looking very likely to sail past its goal of installing 1MW of high quality solar power throughout the region in the next few...

Australia is second worst in world for biodiversity loss

A new international study published in the journal Nature found that Australia is among a group of seven countries who are causing around fifty percent of global biodiversity loss. Using measures from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red...

Glen Innes recognised as renewable energy hub

Glen Innes is at the centre of the renewables revolution according to a recent ABC news article, which highlights the Sapphire and White Rock wind farms. Both are being constructed close to the town due to the ideal combination of high winds and grid connectivity...