Choose to refuse — Plastic Free July

You may already know that Plastic Free July had its humble beginnings in 2011, as a local initiative driven by the Western Metropolitan Regional Council in Western Australia. The incredible growth the campaign has seen since then has seen us recently become an...

Launch of Boomerang Bags in Armidale

We have our first sewing bee — making cloth bags to be placed in stores for shoppers to use as an alternative to plastic. It’s on 9am–1pm March 10 at Kent House. There has been one person making bags at home and we’d love to help spread the message. Our...

Black Gully Music Festival 2017 Guide

Every year New England folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity. Starting at 10.00am you can browse through the Maker’s Market and chill out with art, food, drink, nature and of course live local music. Kids art...

Waste Action group to have their first meeting

First of all welcome to this group; secondly apologies for the the length of time it has taken to contact you all. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday 17 October at 5.30 pm at SNELCC offices in Hanna’s Arcade, ground floor, half way along. Hope this...