You may already know that Plastic Free July had its humble beginnings in 2011, as a local initiative driven by the Western Metropolitan Regional Council in Western Australia. The incredible growth the campaign has seen since then has seen us recently become an independent, not-for-profit charitable Foundation!

We’ve also been busy teaming up with World Environment Day, who this year is calling on participants to help #BeatPlasticPollution – a cause dear to our hearts here at Plastic Free July.  World Environment Day will take place on June 5, and you can get involved in what we are hoping will be the world’s biggest ever cleanup event!

With only 6 weeks to go until July 1st, the countdown is well underway. You’ll be hearing from us again before Plastic Free July starts, with some more useful tips and fun facts.

Until then, keep encouraging the people in your world to get involved, browse our Plastic Free July website for great resources, and – most importantly – get excited!