Support the Voice to Parliament!

People across Armidale and New England area are joining with the Northern Tablelands for YES campaign, placing signs on their households, community organisations and businesses.

Can you help too? A strong showing of supportive signs will enhance the “YES” vote in the upcoming Constitutional Referendum.

VOTE YES! signs are starting to appear all over New England in support of  Northern Tablelands for YES

To get a sign for your household, community organisation or business please fill out this form below and one will be delivered directly to your door:

    I want a Yes sign

    Name (required)

    Email (required)


    Northern Tablelands Address*

    *type in any additional delivery information if needed

    Sign up to Northern Tablelands for Yes here and join the movement.


    Signs, information and conversation will also be available at the Northern Tablelands for YES stall at the PCYC Market’s on the last Sunday of the Month (July 30th, August 27th and September 24th). Bring a friend and come along.

    And an important upcoming event……

    An Evening with Thomas Mayo — Monday 28th August, Starting 5:15pm for 5.30pm-7.30pm-Armidale Town Hall