Bulagaranda (Mt Yarrowyck) has been handed back to Aboriginal Owner, the area is almost 600 hectares of land west of Armidale this land is within the cultural area of the Anaiwan Nation, as part of a joint management agreement with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Bulagaranda (Mt Yarrowyck) has immense cultural significance for the Traditional Owners. Handing it back means they have control of local decision-making and can continue their physical and spiritual connection to their Country.

The Minister for the Environment is responsible for appointing Board members under S.71AN of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for a period of 5 years. The present term of the Board is four years. Whilst the majority of the Board members are Traditional Aboriginal Owners the board must also include a conservation representative.

Nominations are now being sought from people with a professional background in conservation for appointment as a Board member.  If you or someone who is interested in being involved in the management of Bulagaranda as a paid board of Management member please RSVP to Bradley Widders {mobile prefix oh four}38 892 153, bradley.widders@environment.nsw.gov.au by COB Friday 16/9/22, for further  information  about the creation of the Board and remunerations

Application Form for Membership on Boards-and-Committees