What’s possible if you could get a return on investment for your remnant vegetation?

You are invited to hear how protecting your biodiversity can add to your bottom line and the health of your whole property from experienced local Landholders.

Topics include:

  • Potential financial benefits
  • Eligible vegetation types
  • Types of agreements
  • How to explore and initiate an agreement with NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust,
  • What is involved in having an agreement on your property, and
  • Inspect a 72 ha Biodiversity Conservation Agreement area.

‘Eastlake’, 1224 Hillview Road, Salisbury Plains, Uralla

9am – 2.30pm, Friday 17th June 2022

All Welcome
Morning tea and lunch provide

Registrations are essential for catering purposes. RSVP: Tuesday 14th June. Register here.