We’d like to invite you to the Armidale Climate and Health project Open day and creek walk on Saturday 15th May! All welcome to come along to this family friendly event with free lunch, live music, dancing and a creek walk. Free registration.

How do we build community connections and resilience in the face of climate change, improve our health and put Indigenous knowledge at the centre? The Armidale Climate and Health project is a series of workshops and a community festival that brings together climate adaptation, Indigenous knowledge and community health.

For more information visit armidaleclimateandhealth.com.au and ‘like’ us on Facebook to stay up to date with events.

The Open day and creek walk on Saturday 15th May 10am-2pm is a free event, featuring:

  • Live music
  • Traditional Aboriginal dance
  • Information about the Climate and Health Project
  • Creek Walk and orienteering (for all ages)
  • Lunch

Please register so we can cook enough food for everyone!

The project is a collaboration between Armajun  Aboriginal Health ServiceSustainable Living Armidale ,UNE and the Community Weathering Station. Proudly funded by the NSW Government AdaptNSW Increasing Resilience to Climate Change Community Grant Scheme.